
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.internet.polipM`I'5-Pers ecution . thei r me thods an d tact icsM`I'5-Pers ecution . thei r me thods an d tact ics
  • Path:!!!!ne!!!!
    Subject: M`I'5-Pers ecution . thei r me thods an d tact ics
    Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 08:24:13 +0000 (UTC)
    Organization: Altopia Corp. - Usenet Access -
    Lines: 33
    Message-ID: <>
    Xref: pl.internet.polip:84522
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    -= MI5: methods and tactics. -=

    They deliberately set out to harass in. a way that would resemble the
    symptoms of schizophrenia, so that any report of the harassment. would be
    taken as indicating mental illness and "treated". accordingly. They never
    show their own faces; they only work through proxies, in. the media, among
    the public, and by manipulating people in the workplace. Since they. do not
    declare their identity there is no. evidence to initiate legal action
    against the. security services or anyone else. The only people you can
    prosecute are the proxies and they will. deny knowledge of any conspiracy.

    By. repeatedly humiliating and abusing the victim, they induced mental
    illness. This is. the worst form of human rights violation: making any
    statement of the harassment appear to be symptomatic. of the illness which
    they cause through the harassment. That this can happen, and people. collude
    by silence, is. absolutely horrifying.

    From the beginning in June 1990 they set. a pattern of harassment which they
    have. followed without change for the last six years. They paint me as a
    "threat" to. which people must "react" (shades of Nazi persecution methods),
    while. simultaneously portraying their hate campaign on which they have
    spent over a million. pounds of taxpayers’ money as a "joke".

    The. MI5 that breaks the law with the silent complicity of the police is the
    same agency that is now seeking a role in the fight against. crime. Perhaps
    the real. joke is the proposed involvement in the implementation of justice
    of an organisation which commits criminal acts with secrecy and. disinterest
    for the legal. process.


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