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From: Anand Natesan <a...@g...com>
Newsgroups: pl.comp.www
Subject: Looking for a number of Mobile Developers (Symbian or Android or Iphone) -
(Excellent Salary Package + 3 months housing + relocation allowance)
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 16:12:55 -0800 (PST)
Organization: http://groups.google.com
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]I am looking for a number of mobile developers with some good
experience or background in Symbian, Blackberry, Android or Iphone
development to work for a famous social networking company who are in
the top 25 fastest growing companies in the world. You will be working
with one of the most innovative mobile team. You should have good
programming skills in C++, Objective C along with good object-oriented
Competitive salary package and you will get an opportunity for a
fantastic career prospects.
You should have good background in mobile applications development or
worked on platforms like Symbian, Android, Blackberry, J2ME, Iphone,
BREW etc. You must have good programming skills in C++ or Java or
Objective C with good Object Oriented Design skills.
We are looking for someone who can start immediately or can live with
one month notice. You need to have a valid work permit to apply for
this role.
Please contact me for more details or send your CV to
a...@z...com to apply for this excellent opportunity.
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