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From: Forex Market<c...@n...net.il>
Newsgroups: pl.internet.polip
Subject: Live Foreign Exchange Dot Com is FOR SALE
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 00:54:20 +0200
Organization: NetVision InterNetNews site
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Live Foreign Exchange Dot Com is FOR SALE !!!
liveforeignexchange.com is the best domain name for a foreign currency exchange
(forex) website
and for any RealTime E-trading financial business at the online international markets
on the net.
for any individual or company who intend to establish an e-trading forex website
it is strongly recommended to seriously consider the purchace of this domain!
its a good choice for a good solid and profitable web presence and its definitely
worth its price!
PLACE YOUR OFFER: https://www.afternic.com/name.php?id=11866352
starting offer: 7,500 $
asking price: 9,900 $
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