
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingArtykul o rynku tabletow w Polsce › Artykul o rynku tabletow w Polsce
  • Data: 2013-10-07 19:07:28
    Temat: Artykul o rynku tabletow w Polsce
    Od: A.L. <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Dosyc ciekawy artykul w ZDNet o rynku tabletow w Polsce

    "In Poland, some of the biggest tablet makers are the ones you've
    never heard of"

    "According to IDC, Apple leads the tablet market with a 32.4 percent
    share of global sales, but in Poland, the iPad only accounts for 5.5
    percent of the slate market and is surpassed by Acer, with a 5.8
    percent market share in the country. (Globally, Acer's market share is
    one-10th of Apple's at 3.1 percent.)

    As with smartphones, Poles seem to value price over global brand
    prestige when buying their tablets..."


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