
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingAda User Journal 30th Anniversary Issue On-line AvailableAda User Journal 30th Anniversary Issue On-line Available
  • Data: 2011-06-20 23:59:09
    Temat: Ada User Journal 30th Anniversary Issue On-line Available
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    On-line Availability of Ada User Journal 30th Anniversary Special Issue

    EDINBURGH, UK (June 20, 2011) - On the occasion of Ada-Europe 2011[1],
    the 16th annual Conference on Reliable Software Technologies,
    Ada-Europe[2] announces the on-line availability of the Ada User
    Journal 30th Anniversary special issue.

    Ada User Journal[3], the quarterly publication of Ada-Europe, keeps
    its readership abreast of developments in the standardization,
    use and promotion of the Ada programming language and technology,
    as well as issues related with reliable software technologies and
    engineering in Europe and the rest of the world.

    The origins of the Ada User Journal date back to the birth of Ada UK
    News, which started publication in March 1980. The current name of
    the Journal first appeared in Volume 15 in the year 1994, when it
    was still published by Ada UK. Ada-Europe published the Ada-Europe
    News since June 1989, until it was merged with the Ada User Journal
    in March 1998. From that time onward, Ada-Europe and Ada UK jointly
    published the Journal until Ada-Europe took over as the sole publisher
    from Volume 23 in 2002.

    The celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Journal started
    in the March 2009 with a special article entitled "Thirty years
    of the Ada User Journal", recalling its three decades of history.
    Celebratory posters were also exhibited at various Ada-Europe and
    SIGAda conferences. The celebration closed with a special issue of the
    Journal, released in March 2010, the official 30th Anniversary Issue,
    reprinting a selection of the best articles published in the Journal
    over the past 30 years, selected by a prominent group of Guest Editors.

    The Ada User Journal maintains an on-line accessible archive[4], a
    work-in-progress resource offered to the Ada community, for browsing,
    consulting and downloading selected contents of back issues of the
    Ada User Journal. This Online Archive provides the full contents of
    all issues dated from March 2001 (Vol. 22, N. 1) to the last-but-four
    issues. For the latest year, the Online Archives solely provides the
    table of contents.

    It is in this context that the March 2010 issue has been released in
    the on-line archive, providing the Ada community with free access to
    "a sample of the papers that may be considered to have had the most
    impact and relevance at the time of publication, in the several
    incarnations of the Ada User Journal."

    About Ada-Europe

    Ada-Europe is the international non-profit organization that promotes
    the knowledge and use of Ada into academia, research and industry in
    Europe. Current member organizations of Ada-Europe are: Ada-Belgium,
    Ada in Denmark, Ada-Deutschland, Ada-France, Ada-Spain, Ada in Sweden
    and Ada-Switzerland. Ada-Europe also includes and welcomes individual
    members from other European countries with no national organization.

    A PDF version of this press release is available at

    Press contact
    Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Europe Vice-President,


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