
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingAda-Europe Int.Conf. Reliable Software Technologies, AEiC 2023Ada-Europe Int.Conf. Reliable Software Technologies, AEiC 2023
  • Path:!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: (Dirk Craeynest)
    Newsgroups: ie.comp,se.dator.programmering.diverse,,dk.edb
    Subject: Ada-Europe Int.Conf. Reliable Software Technologies, AEiC 2023
    Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 18:08:10 -0000 (UTC)
    Organization: Ada-Europe, c/o Dept. of Computer Science, KU Leuven
    Lines: 238
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    Injection-Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 18:08:10 -0000 (UTC)
    Injection-Info:; posting-host="a37bd03b2970c816a76aa212a9786ec6";
    Summary: Program available! Register by May 22 and book hotel ASAP!
    Keywords: Conference,academia,industry,reliable,secure,IT,Ada,Lisbon
    Cancel-Lock: sha1:skCv2YQQtYwxLJ1BX4BDqjSDhGc=
    Originator: (Dirk Craeynest)
    Xref: pl.comp.programming:215941
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]


    Call for Participation


    27th Ada-Europe International Conference on
    Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2023)

    13-16 June 2023, Lisbon, Portugal

    Organized by Ada-Europe
    in cooperation with ACM SIGAda, SIGPLAN, SIGBED,
    the Ada Resource Association (ARA), and the University of Lisbon

    #AEiC2023 #AdaEurope #AdaProgramming

    *** Online registration open ***
    *** Highly recommended to book your hotel ASAP ***
    *** Early registration discount until May 22 ***


    *** General Information

    The 27th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software
    Technologies (AEiC 2023) returns to Lisbon, after the 2018 edition,
    in the week of 13-16 June. The conference will be an in-presence
    only event, with a solid core of activities.

    The conference program includes two core days with a keynote talk,
    a panel, peer-reviewed academic papers, industrial presentations,
    and work-in-progress presentations and posters. The conference
    program is bracketed by one day of tutorials, and one day with two
    satellite events. There will be time for networking during breaks
    as well as during the welcome reception and the conference banquet.

    AEiC 2023 is the latest in a series of annual international conferences
    started in the early 80's, under the auspices of Ada-Europe, the
    international organization that promotes knowledge and use of Ada and
    Reliable Software in general, into academic education and research,
    and industrial practice.

    The Ada-Europe series of conferences has over the years become
    a leading international forum for providers, practitioners and
    researchers in reliable software technologies. These events
    highlight the increased relevance of Ada in general and in safety-
    and security-critical systems in particular, and provide a unique
    opportunity for interaction and collaboration between academics and
    industrial practitioners.

    The 2023 edition of the conference continues a number of important
    innovations started at the 2019 conference:
    - lower registration fee for conference, unified for all participants;
    - further reduced fee for all authors;
    - lower registration fee for all tutorials;
    - journal-based open-access publication model for peer-reviewed papers;
    - more compact program with two core days (Wednesday & Thursday);
    - tutorials on Tuesday, followed by welcome event for all participants;
    - satellite events on Friday.

    *** Overview of the Week

    - Tue 14: six half-day tutorials, welcome reception
    - Wed 15 & Thu 16: core program, conference dinner on Wednesday
    - Fri 17: two workshops

    Extensive information on AEiC 2023 is on the conference web site,
    such as an overview of the program, the list of accepted papers
    and presentations, and descriptions of workshops, tutorials, keynote
    presentation, panel, and social events. Also check the conference site
    for registration, accommodation and travel information. The Advance
    Program brochure will shortly be available there as well.

    *** Venue

    The conference will take place at Hotel Fénix Lisboa, in Lisbon,
    Portugal, which is very near downtown. It is easy to reach the hotel
    from the airport, by metro or taxi, and from the hotel it is possible
    to walk towards downtown to appreciate the inner city offerings.
    Portugal has been elected Europe's Leading Destination 2022 at the
    World Travel Awards, and Lisbon the Europe's Leading City Break
    Destination 2022. Portugal is also considered one of the safest
    countries in the world, ranking 6th place in 2022.

    *** Invited Speakers

    This year the conference will feature a keynote talk on the first day,
    and a panel on the second, with three invited speakers/panelists.
    The keynote and the panel will address topics of relevance in
    the conference scope, with ample time for questions and answers.

    - On Wed June 14, a keynote talk by Alcides Fonseca, from LASIGE,
    University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences, who will talk about
    "Applications of liquid types for more reliable software".

    - On Thu June 15, a panel on the "Promises and Challenges of AI-enabled
    Software Development Tools for Safety-Critical Applications" will
    bring around the table three experts: Douglas Schmidt (Vanderbilt
    University, USA), Jochen Quante (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany),
    and Jon Pérez Cerrolaza (IKERLAN, Spain).

    *** Conference Core Composition

    The core conference program features three distinct types of technical
    presentations, with different duration, in addition to the keynote
    talk and the pannel session: journal-track talks (30 minutes),
    industrial-track talks (20 minutes), work-in-progress-track talks
    (10 minutes).

    All papers presented in the journal track, the industrial track and
    the work-in-progress track have undergone peer review. Presentations
    are combined into by-theme and not by-track sessions, in order that
    authors and participants alike enjoy all flavors of the program in
    a mixed as opposed to segregated combination.

    Papers and Presentations:
    - 6 sessions: Verification and Validation 1, Advanced Systems,
    Reliability and Performance, Verification and Validation 2,
    Reliable Programming, Real-Time Systems
    - 6 journal-track talks
    - 7 industrial presentations and experience reports
    - 15 work-in-progress reports
    - posters of work-in-progress reports
    - submissions and accepted contributions from around the world
    - submissions by authors from 16 countries, and accepted contributions
    from Austria, Brazil, Cameroon, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,
    Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA

    Networking Area:
    - features project posters, reserved vendor tables, and general
    networking options
    - 1 company already committed to be there: AdaCore

    *** Tutorials

    Six three-hour tutorials are offered on Tuesday 13th:

    - "The HAC Ada Compiler",
    by Gautier de Montmollin, Ada Switzerland, Switzerland

    - "Controlling I/O Devices with Ada and the Linux Simple I/O Library",
    by Philip Munts, Sweden

    - "Everything you Always Wanted to Know about Characters and Strings",
    by Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog, France

    - "Introduction to the Development of Safety Critical Software",
    by Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog, France

    - "Rust Fundamentals",
    by Luis Miguel Pinho and Tiago Carvalho, ISEP, Portugal

    - "Concurrency and Parallelism in Rust",
    by Luis Miguel Pinho and Tiago Carvalho, ISEP, Portugal

    *** Satellite Events

    Two workshops are held on Friday 16th:

    - 8th International Workshop on "Challenges and New Approaches for
    Dependable and Cyber-Physical System Engineering" (DeCPS 2023)

    - 2nd International Workshop "AADL by its Practitioners (ADEPT)"

    *** Social Program

    The conference provides several opportunities to socialize:

    - Each day: coffee breaks and sit-down lunches offer ample time for
    interaction and networking with participants and vendors.

    - Tuesday early evening: Welcome Reception in the gardens of the
    National Museum of Science & Natural History. During two hours, a
    selection of drinks and appetizers will be served and participants
    will have the opportunity to taste port wine while walking in the
    nice botanical gardens of the museum.

    - Wednesday evening: Conference Banquet in the "Casa do Alentejo"
    restaurant, downtown Lisbon. When entering the building, visitors
    are surprised with the several rooms of the building (an old palace
    that served as a casino in the XX century) featuring diverse styles
    and decoration. Participants will have the opportunity to taste
    cod fish baked in olive oil, which is a very typical Portuguese dish.

    *** Further Information

    - registration information (and link to registration form) is provided
    at <
    - early registration discount until Monday May 22, 2023
    - payment possible by credit card or bank transfer
    - special low fee for authors and students
    - discount for Ada-Europe, ACM SIGAda, SIGBED and SIGPLAN members
    - registration includes coffee breaks, lunches and social events
    - low tutorial fees
    - low workshop fees
    - see registration page for all details

    - recommended Twitter hashtags: #AEiC2023 #AdaEurope #AdaProgramming
    - Advance Program brochure to be available online at

    AEiC 2023 Sponsors:
    - AdaCore:

    The conference is supported and sponsored by
    - Ada-Europe:

    and organized in cooperation with
    - ACM SIGAda:
    - ARA:
    - Cięncias ULisboa:

    Please make sure you book accommodation as soon as possible.

    For more info and latest updates see the conference web site at

    We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon in June 2023!


    Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
    Please circulate widely.

    Dirk Craeynest, AEiC 2023 Publicity Chair

    * 27th Ada-Europe Int. Conf. Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2023)
    * June 13-16, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal,


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