
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingAda-Europe 2011 early registration deadline approaching
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  • 1. Data: 2011-05-16 21:31:12
    Temat: Ada-Europe 2011 early registration deadline approaching
    Od: (Dirk Craeynest)


    2nd Call for Participation

    The Ada Connection

    16th International Conference on
    Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2011
    Ada Conference UK 2011

    20 - 24 June 2011, Edinburgh, UK

    Organized by Ada-Europe,
    in cooperation with ACM SIGAda

    *** Early registration DEADLINE Monday 23 MAY 2011 ***


    The Ada Connection, which combines the 16th International Conference on
    Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2011 - with Ada Conference
    UK 2011, will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city and the
    UK's most popular conference destination.

    The Ada Connection is the union of two Ada events that have both
    been very successful in their own right. The Ada-Europe series of
    conferences has become established as an international forum for
    providers, practitioners and researchers in all aspects of reliable
    software technologies. The Ada Conference UK has been running
    in its current form since 2006 as a series of biennial one-day
    events, to highlight the increased relevance of Ada in safety-
    and security-critical systems. By combining these events, the Ada
    Connection will provide a unique opportunity for interaction and
    collaboration between academics and industrial practitioners.

    The 20-page Advance Program (AP) brochure with full information is
    available on the conference web site. The AP contains the list of
    accepted papers and industrial presentations, as well as detailed
    descriptions of all tutorials, keynote presentations, and panel
    sessions. In the menu on the home page first select "Programme",
    and then the AP download link. Also check the conference web site
    for registration, accommodation and travel information.

    Quick overview
    - Mon 20 & Fri 24: tutorials
    - Tue 15 - Thu 17: paper, industrial & vendor presentations
    - Tue 15 - Wed 16: vendor exhibition

    - published by Springer
    - volume 6652 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS)
    - will be available at conference

    Program co-chairs
    - Alexander Romanovsky, Newcastle University, UK
    - Tullio Vardanega, University of Padua, Italy

    Invited speakers
    - Peter Bernard Ladkin, University of Bielefeld CITEC and Causalis
    Limited, "Functional Safety of Software-Based Critical Systems"
    - Pippa Moore, UK Civil Aviation Authority,
    "Hippocrates and DO-178B"
    - Jeff O'Leary, US Federal Aviation Administration, "Assuring Software
    Reliability While Using Web Services and Commercial Products"

    Tutorials (half day)
    - "Experimenting with ParaSail - Parallel Specification and
    Implementation Language", S. Tucker Taft, SofCheck, USA
    - "Designing and Checking Coding Standards for Ada",
    Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog, France
    - "Programming Distributed Systems with YAMI4",
    Maciej Sobczak, Inspirel, Poland
    - "Why and How to Measure Non-functional Properties On-target",
    Ian Broster, Rapita Systems Ltd, UK
    - "Hard Real-Time and Embedded Systems Programming with Ada",
    Pat Rogers, AdaCore, France
    - "Use of Object-Oriented Technologies in High-Reliability Systems",
    Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog, France

    Tutorials (full day)
    - "MAST: Predicting Response Times in Event-Driven Real-Time Systems",
    Michael G. Harbour, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
    - "SPARK: The Libre Language and Toolset for High-Assurance Software",
    Roderick Chapman, Altran Praxis, UK
    - "Distributed Programming Techniques in Ada",
    Thomas Quinot, AdaCore, France

    Panel sessions
    - "Programming Languages Meet Multicore", moderator Erhard Plödereder
    (Univ. of Stuttgart), Alan Burns (Univ. of York), S. Tucker Taft
    (SofCheck, Inc), Kevin Hammond (Univ. of St Andrews)
    - "DO178C and Object-Orientation for Critical Systems", moderator Tim
    Kelly (Univ. of York), Cyrille Comar (AdaCore), Jean-Pierre Rosen
    (Adalog), Dewi Daniels (Verocel), Trevor Jennings (Altran Praxis)

    Papers and Presentations
    - 12 refereed technical papers in sessions on Multicore, Verification,
    Achitecture and Modelling, Education and Mixed Criticality
    - 12 industrial presentations in sessions on Modelling and Complexity,
    Real-time and Longevity, Transitioning and Debugging, Innovation and
    New Markets
    - submissions by authors from 19 countries, and accepted contributions
    from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland,
    Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA

    Vendor exhibition
    - 14 exhibitors already committed: AdaCore, Altran Praxis, Causalis
    Limited, Ellidiss Software, Green Hills Software, IPL, LDRA,
    Objektum Solutions, Rapita Systems, Resource Engineering, TTE
    Systems, Vector Software, Verocel and Wind River
    - vendor presentation track for exhibitors

    Social evening events
    - Tuesday: welcome reception with single malt Scotch whisky tasting
    - Wednesday: conference banquet dinner at The Signet Library, just
    below Edinburgh Castle, in the center of Edinburgh's Old Town;
    - pre-dinner speech by Les Hatton "On the Evolution of Unnatural

    - early registration discount up to Mon May 23, 2011
    - additional discount for academia, Ada-Europe, ACM SIGAda and
    Safety-Critical Systems Club members
    - registration includes copy of printed proceedings at event
    - includes coffee breaks and lunches
    - three day conference registration includes social events
    - payment possible by check, bank transfer or credit card

    Please make sure you book accommodation as soon as possible as hotels
    in the area tend to be extremely busy.

    For more info and latest updates see the conference web site at


    Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
    Please circulate widely.

    If you have a LinkedIn account, let your network know that you will
    be attending or are interested in this event; see RSVPs on
    national/pub/405820, Ada-Europe'2011 Publicity Chair

    *** 16th Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2011
    *** June 20-24, 2011 *** Edinburgh, UK ***

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