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From: dontcare <j...@g...com>
Newsgroups: pl.comp.programming
Subject: [ANN]VTD-XML 2.10
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 11:43:32 -0800 (PST)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]VTD-XML 2.10 is now released. It can be downloaded at
This release includes a number of new features and enhancement.
* The core API of VTD-XML has been expanded. Users can now perform
cut/paste/insert on an empty element.
* This release also adds the support of deeper location cache support
parsing and indexing. This feature is useful for application
tuning for
processing various XML documents.
* The java version also added support for processing zip and gzip
Direct processing of httpURL based XML is enhanced.
* Extended Java version now support Iso-8859-10~16 encoding.
* A full featured C++ port is released.
* C version of VTD-XML now make use of thread local storage to
thread safety for multi-threaded application.
* There are also a number of bugs fixed. Special thanks to Jozef
Aerts, John
Sillers, Chris Tornau and a number of other users for input and
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