1. Data: 2018-04-01 07:46:19
Temat: 23rd Int.Conf. Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2018
Od: d...@f...cs.kuleuven.be. (Dirk Craeynest)
Call for Participation
23rd International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2018
18-22 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal
Organized by Univ. Lisboa and Ada-Europe,
in cooperation with ACM SIGAda, SIGBED, SIGPLAN
and the Ada Resource Association (ARA)
*** Online registration open ***
*** Early registration discount until May 14 ***
*** Extensive info available on conference web site ***
*** Highly recommended to book your hotel ASAP ***
The 23rd International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies
- Ada-Europe 2018 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 18
to 22. As per its traditional style, the conference will span a full
week, including, from Tuesday to Thursday, three days of scientific,
technical and industrial programs, along with tutorials and workshops
on Monday and Friday.
The Ada-Europe series of conferences has over the years become
a leading international forum for providers, practitioners and
researchers in reliable software technologies. These events
highlight the increased relevance of Ada in general and in safety-
and security-critical systems in particular, and provide a unique
opportunity for interaction and collaboration between academics and
industrial practitioners.
Extensive information is available on the conference web site,
such as an overview of the program, the list of accepted papers and
industrial presentations, and descriptions of workshops, tutorials,
keynote presentations, and social events. Also check the conference
web site for registration, accommodation and travel information.
The 16-page Advance Program brochure will shortly be available on
the conference web site as well.
Quick overview
- Mon 18 & Fri 22: tutorials + workshops
- Tue 19 - Thu 21: core program
- published by Springer
- volume 10873 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series
- will be available at conference
Program Chair
- António Casimiro, LASIGE/U. Lisboa, Portugal
casim at ciencias.ulisboa.pt
Keynote speakers
- Paulo Esteves-Veríssimo, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg,
"Security and Dependability Challenges of IT/OT Integration"
- Carl Brandon, Vermont Technical College, USA, "From Physicist to
Rocket Scientist, and how to make a CubeSat that works"
- 3rd speaker to be confirmed
Workshops (full day)
- "Runtime Verification and Monitoring Technologies for Embedded
Systems" Workshop (RUME 2018)
- 5th International Workshop on "Challenges and new Approaches for
Dependable and Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering" (DeCPS 2018)
Tutorials (full day)
- "Recent Developments in SPARK 2014"
Peter Chapin, Vermont Technical College, USA
- "Scheduling analysis of AADL architecture models"
Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC/UBO, France
Pierre Dissaux, Ellidiss Technologies, France
Tutorials (half day)
- "Access types and memory management in Ada 2012"
Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog, France
- "Design and architecture guidelines for trustworthy systems"
William Bail, The MITRE Corporation, USA
- "Numerics for the Non-Numerical Analyst"
Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog, France
- "Requirements development for safety and security critical systems"
William Bail, The MITRE Corporation, USA
- "Writing Contracts in Ada"
Jacob Sparre Andersen, JSA Research & Innovation
- "Introduction to Libadalang"
R. Amiard, P.M. de Rodat
Raphaël Amiard, Pierre-Marie de Rodat, AdaCore, France
- "Unit-testing with Ahven"
Jacob Sparre Andersen, JSA Research & Innovation
- "Frama-C, a Framework for Analysing C Code"
Julien Signoles, CEA LIST, France
Papers and Presentations
- 10 refereed technical papers and 4 presentations in sessions
on Safety and Security, Ada 202X, Handling Implicit Overhead,
Real-time Scheduling, New Application Domains
- 12 industrial presentations and experience reports in sessions on
Ada in Industry, Space Systems, V&V of Safety-Cricital Software,
Software Methodologies
- submissions by authors from 19 countries, and accepted contributions
from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Norway Poland, Portugal,
South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA
Vendor exhibition and networking area
- area features exhibitor booths, project posters, reserved vendor
tables, and general networking options
- several companies already committed; others expected to confirm soon
- vendor presentation sessions in core program
Social events
- each day: coffee breaks in the exhibition space and sit-down lunches
offer ample time for interaction and networking
- Tuesday evening: Ada-Europe General Assembly, followed by Welcome
Reception; location will be announced in April
- Wednesday evening: transportation to restaurant "A Casa do Bacalhau",
for the traditional Ada-Europe Conference Banquet; the name means
"The House of the Codfish", so it is not too difficult to guess
what is their speciality
- Best Paper and Best Presentation awards will be handed out
- online registration is open at
- early registration discount up to Monday May 14, 2018
- additional discount for
academia, Ada-Europe, ACM SIGAda, SIGBED and SIGPLAN members
- student discounts are available
- registration includes copy of printed proceedings at event
- includes coffee breaks and lunches
- three day conference registration includes all social events
- tutorial fees reduced when taken together with 3-day conference
- payment possible by credit card or bank transfer
- see registration page for all details
- recommended Twitter hashtags: #AdaEurope and/or #AdaEurope2018
- 16-page Advance Program brochure soon available online
- support Ada-Europe 2018 with promotional poster available at
Please make sure you book accommodation as soon as possible.
Lisbon will be very busy in that week.
For more info and latest updates see the conference web site at
We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon in June 2018!
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.
Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Europe'2018 Publicity Chair
*** 23rd Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2018
*** June 18-22, 2018 ** Lisbon, Portugal *** http://www.ada-europe.org