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Subject: 2 techników zginęlo podczas pożaru turbiny wiatrowej w Holandii - na
wysokości 70 metrów
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]===Wind turbine explosion in the Netherlands took the lives of two technicians
Jumping to the ground or being engulfed by the flames.
Those were their options.
And they had no time.
Many remember the images spread all over social media of these two figures - two
silhouettes - embracing each other on top of a burning wind turbine. The story behind
the image, however, is less known.
The whole situation seems out of a horror story. At 220 feet of height, on top of a
little platform surrounded by fire, there was no escape and these two Dutch workers
could only choose their own end.
And they wouldn't choose the same one.
Mieli wybór, albo się spalic na szczycie albo skakac z wysokości 70 metrów
Nie mieli żadnego zabezpieczenia, nawet liny ratunkowej
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 26.12.21 22:15 Konrad Anikiel
- 26.12.21 22:42 a a
- 26.12.21 23:16 Konrad Anikiel
- 26.12.21 23:42 a a
- 26.12.21 23:51 a a
- 27.12.21 00:08 Konrad Anikiel
- 31.12.21 22:16 a a
- 03.01.22 13:35 J.F
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