Data: 2014-05-04 21:26:12
Temat: 19th Int.Conf. Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2014
Od: d...@f...cs.kuleuven.be. (Dirk Craeynest) szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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Call for Participation
19th International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2014
23-27 June 2014, Paris, France
Organized by Ada-France on behalf of Ada-Europe,
in cooperation with ACM SIGAda, SIGBED, SIGPLAN
and the Ada Resource Association (ARA)
*** Online registration open! ***
*** All info available on conference web site ***
*** Early registration discount until May 31 ***
The 19th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies
- Ada-Europe 2014 takes place in Paris, France, from June 23 to 27,
2014. It is an exciting event with an outstanding technical program,
keynote talks, and exhibition from Tuesday to Thursday, and a rich
program of workshops and tutorials on Monday and Friday.
The conference is hosted by ECE, a French engineering school located
near the Tour Eiffel, right in the heart of Paris, with convenient
connections to all places of interest, and lots of facilities around.
An event not to be missed!
The Ada-Europe series of conferences has become established as a
successful international forum for providers, practitioners and
researchers in all aspects of reliable software technologies.
These events highlight the increased relevance of Ada in safety-
and security-critical systems, and provide a unique opportunity
for interaction and collaboration between academics and industrial
Extensive information is available on the conference web site, such as
the list of accepted papers and industrial presentations, and detailed
descriptions of all workshops, tutorials and keynote presentations.
Also check the conference web site for registration, accommodation
and travel information.
Quick overview
- Mon 23 & Fri 27: tutorials
- Tue 24 - Thu 26: core program
- published by Springer
- volume 8454 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS)
- will be available at conference
Program co-chairs
- Laurent George, LIGM/UPEMLV - ECE Paris, France
- Tullio Vardanega, University of Padova, Italy
Invited speakers
- Robert Lainé, "Lessons Learned and Easily Forgotten",
drawing from his many years of experience in space projects
leadership at the European Space Agency and EADS Astrium
- Alun Foster, "From ARTEMIS to ECSEL: Growing a Large Eco-System for
High-Dependability Systems",
about the results achieved in ARTEMIS and the objectives of the new
ECSEL program, as Acting Executive Director and Programme Manager
- Mohamed Shawky, "Future Challenges in Design Tools and Frameworks for
Embedded Systems; Application to Intelligent Transportation Systems",
presenting his futuristic work at the Université de Technologie
Workshops (full day)
- Workshop on "Challenges and new Approaches for Dependable
and Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering" (De-CPS 2014),
organized by CEA and Thales
- Workshop on "Mixed Criticality Systems" (WMCIS 2014): Challenges
of Mixed Criticality Approaches and Benefits for the Industry,
organized by ECE
Workshop (half day)
- "Ada 2012: le point sur le langage" (Ada 2012: Assessing the
Language), a special session in French for software managers who
want to learn about the current state of Ada, organized by Ada-France
Tutorials (full day)
- "Robotics Programming",
Lars Asplund, Asplund Data, Sweden
- "Introduction to Verification with SPARK 2014",
Rod Chapman, Altran UK, Yannick Moy, AdaCore, France
Tutorials (half day)
- "Proving Safety of Parallel/Multi-Threaded Programs",
Tucker Taft, AdaCore, USA
- "Multicore Programming using Divide-and-Conquer and Work Stealing",
Tucker Taft, AdaCore, USA
- "Debugging Real-time Systems",
Ian Broster and Andrew Coombes, Rapita Systems, UK
- "Developing Mixed-Criticality Systems with GNAT/ORK and Xtratum",
Alfons Crespo, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Alejandro Alonso,
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Jon Pérez, Ikerlan, Spain
- "High-Integrity Object-Oriented Programming with Ada 2012",
Ben Brosgol, AdaCore, USA
- "Ada 2012 (Sub)type and Subprogram Contracts in Practice",
Jacob Sparre Andersen, JSA Research & Innovation, Denmark
- "Technical Basis of Model Driven Engineering",
William Bail, The MITRE Corporation, USA
- "An Overview of Software Testing with an Emphasis on Statistical
Testing", William Bail, The MITRE Corporation, USA
Papers and Presentations
- 12 refereed technical papers in sessions on
Formal Methods, Uses of Ada, Real-Time Scheduling, Applications
- 6 industrial presentations in sessions on
Ada in Aerospace, Ada in Railways
- 3 presentations in special "Experience Report" session
- submissions by authors from 22 countries, and accepted contributions
from Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal,
Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, UK, and USA
GNAT Retrospective
- 20th anniversary of GNAT as a supported open-source Ada compiler
- started new era for distribution and promotion of Ada language
- retrospective will look back at these important 20 years
Vendor exhibition
- 5 exhibitors already committed: AdaCore, Altran, Ellidiss Software,
Rapita Systems, and Squoring Technologies; others expected to confirm
- vendor presentation sessions in core program
Social events
- each day: coffee breaks in the exhibition space and sit-down lunches
offer ample time for interaction and networking
- Tuesday evening: Welcome Party
- Wednesday evening: Cruise and Conference Banquet,
the traditional Ada-Europe banquet will be on board an all-glass
luxury boat, cruising along the Seine right in the heart of Paris!
- early registration discount up to Saturday May 31, 2014
- additional discount for academia, Ada-Europe, ACM SIGAda, SIGBED and
SIGPLAN members
- a limited number of student discounts is available
- registration includes copy of printed proceedings at event
- includes coffee breaks and lunches
- three day conference registration includes all social events
- payment possible by credit card, check, or bank transfer
- see registration page for info on novel student waiver program!
Please make sure you book accommodation as soon as possible.
Paris will be very busy in that week.
For more info and latest updates see the conference web site at
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.
Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Europe'2014 Publicity Chair
*** 19th Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2014
*** June 23-27, 2014 **** Paris, France **** http://www.ada-europe.org
Najnowsze wątki z tej grupy
- "Wuj dobra rada" z KDAB rozważa: Choosing the Right Programming Language for Your Embedded Linux Device
- Nowa ustawa o ochronie praw autorskich - opis problemu i szkic ustawy
- Alg. kompresji LZW
- Popr. 14. Nauka i Praca Programisty C++ w III Rzeczy (pospolitej)
- Arch. Prog. Nieuprzywilejowanych w pełnej wer. na nowej s. WWW energokod.pl
- 7. Raport Totaliztyczny: Sprawa Qt Group wer. 424
- TCL - problem z escape ostatniego \ w nawiasach {}
- Nauka i Praca Programisty C++ w III Rzeczy (pospolitej)
- testy-wyd-sort - Podsumowanie
- Tworzenie Programów Nieuprzywilejowanych Opartych Na Wtyczkach
- Do czego nadaje się QDockWidget z bibl. Qt?
- Bibl. Qt jest sztucznie ograniczona - jest nieprzydatna do celów komercyjnych
- Co sciaga kretynow
- AEiC 2024 - Ada-Europe conference - Deadlines Approaching
- Jakie są dobre zasady programowania programów opartych na wtyczkach?
Najnowsze wątki
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- 2025-03-29 Re: Kompensacja mocy biernej przy 230VAC
- 2025-03-29 Warszawa => NMS System Administrator <=
- 2025-03-29 Warszawa => Laravel PHP Developer <=
- 2025-03-29 Re: Kompensacja mocy biernej przy 230VAC
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- 2025-03-28 Współczesny falomierz
- 2025-03-28 Rzeszów => WEBCON Developer <=
- 2025-03-28 Szczecin => Specjalista ds. public relations <=
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