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Szukana fraza: Autor: Sintsu <>
Znaleziono: 2 wiadomości

  • Re: Problem z kompilacją

    2010-04-23 17:56:29 autor: Sintsu

    I found this article through the google, and translate it to english I'm facing the same problem like you, and trying to solve it compare with the other demo code but not figure it ... [ więcej ]

    grupa: pl.comp.programming

  • Re: Problem z kompilacją

    2010-04-23 19:48:08 autor: Sintsu

    hey, I solved the error msg, the solution is as follow modified the file "freemodbus/modbus/include/mbconfig.h&qu ot; find the under code /*! \brief If Modbus ASCII support is enabled. ... [ więcej ]

    grupa: pl.comp.programming

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